If you need an estimate for a custom project, select the "Estimate Request" link from the top navigation menu to navigate to the Custom Project Estimate Request form.
In order for us to provide you with an estimate for a custom project, we need to know who "you" are. Fill out the required Name, Email Address, Street Address, and City/State/ZIP fields.
Describe your project
Use this field to give us the basics. What size will you document be? How many pages? Will it be a poster, Hang Tag, Tickets, Letterhead, Postcard, Presentation Folder, Rackcard, Door Hanger, Catalog, Booklet, Flyer, Tent Card or some other king of special print project? Will it be a variable data project? Will it mail? Be a detailed as you can be.
Type of job
Select a choice from the "Type of job" field that best describes your custom print project.
Choose a quantity for your job. For instance, if you wanted 500 business cards, the quantity would 500.
Enter the number of pages in your custom job. It's important to note the difference between pages and sheets here. For instance, a business card is one sheet, but has two pages. If you take one sheet and fold it in half, it now has four pages. You can learn more about the differences between pages and sheets here.
Project Name/Title
Give your project a descriptive name that will help us (and you) refer to it while the project is in production (e.g. "Acme Widget Co. 11 x 17 Posters").
Ink Colors
Typically your choices here would be grayscale (black) or Process (CMYK). If you need special PMS colors in your job, be sure to include the PMS number code for your custom colors.
Pre-Media / Graphics
Use the drop-down menu to let us know whether you will be providing a press-ready PDF, Native Files (e.g. InDesign, Quark) or need complete creative services. If you're not sure, just select "I don't know."
Let us know what (if any) type of packaging your job will require.
Bindery and Finishing
If your project has bindery or finishing requirements, you can list them here.
Attach a file if needed
If you have a digital file ready, send us a copy so that we can review your document. This will help us prepare an accurate quote. A PDF is preferred. If you have more than one file we prefer that you zip the files using WinZip or StuffIt so that you have one zipped folder to upload. If you are unable to zip your files, you will need to send the rest via email at Be sure to reference the Project Name you entered previously.